For the purposes of combat, the hydra has been divided into 2 different files. The Hydra (Body) and the Hydra (Head). If you use a hydra in a situation, you will need at least 2 different files. As heads are destroyed, keep adding new Hydra (Head) files to the enemy window. Both parts can attack as well as defend. The player may specify which part of the body he wishes to attack. If either the body or all of the heads die, the hydra is dead.
Hydras are serpents that have the ability to regenerate two heads immediately every time one of his heads are killed. When first hatched, a hydra will look like a snake with two heads. During its life, other heads will grow. By adulthood, the average hydra will have at least four but sometimes as many as twelve heads.
A hydra is exceptionally poisonous. Anyone within 50 feet of a hydra who breathes must pass a standard constitution check at a +10 bonus or fall unconscious until they have been taken away from the hydra and allowed to rest for one full day. Any individual not removed from the radius within 1 hour dies. The bite of a hydra is exceptionally dangerous. Anyone bitten by a hydra must pass a constitution check at -30 or die within 1 minute. If healed before the minute expires, there are no side effects. The blood of a hydra is poisonous and may be used on weapons.
Hydra heads can regenerate from any type of wound. The individual head will heal at a normal rate if not killed. But, the instant that the head dies, two other heads will spring from the neck that the last head occupied. If a head is killed with either fire or acid, the head will not regenerate.
The Hydra was a greek mythological beast that Heracles fought with. Heracles never killed the hydra completely. Instead he killed each head and then cauterized each wound with a torch. Once there was only one head left, the immortal head, Heracles cut it off, put it in a bag and buried underneath a large rock where supposedly it still is today.